
Make Your Store a Destination

If only you could make your store a destination spot. If only you could get people into your store (during a season you'd really like to capitalize on) to see all of your merchandise. Oh, and it'd be great if you could get people to thank you for the privilege of being in your store.

Wait a minute. . .you can (from ACE Hardware in East Atlanta Village - great LSM-ers, btw):

We heard reports of UPS & FedEx packages disappearing from porches - often only moments after being delivered. The speculation is that the thieves are following the delivery trucks.

So, as a service to our neighbors, Village Hardware will receive and hold your packages for you until you can pick them up. Have your packages delivered to your name, c/o Village Hardware, 1231 Glenwood Ave, Atlanta, GA 30316. When you are expecting a delivery, just give us a call and we'll see if it's arrived.

And the response?

Wow! That's awesome of you guys!

That is awesome customer service!!

No kidding. Jason, that's fantastic.

And, you know, when you go pick up your package, buy some stuff!
(Don't forget, this is a customer telling others to buy stuff.)

OK, so you're not a hardware store. Change the idea to fit your restaurant (or book store, or nail salon, or whatever). Ideas forthcoming in another post.

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