
Relationship Over Tactics

There's a lot of angst among folks just getting started with LSM, so let's re-focus on what is important.

LSM is about relationships, shaking hands, kissing babies, and being an upstanding member of your community. Period.

That you offer samples to overcome objections, suggest a fundraising program, offer tours to school children are just incidental. Your goal is to support the groups in your communities who will in turn support you.

"But what do I say to a school principal?" How about "hi"? Too often we go for the sale before we even have a relationship. First words: "We live in the community, we hire from the community, we rely on the community, we want to be a part of the community. How can we help?"

The school programs, emails, ads, sampling events, etc. are your media, not your objective.

Start the relationship then build on it. An honest desire to be a part of the community is half the battle. The other half, the tactics, are the fun part. But they can't be implemented until a relationship exists.

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