
Restaurant Marketing - Celebrity Endorsements

Michael Phelps says he'd love to endorse a fast food company. But it got me to thinking about why companies solicit celebrity endorsements at all. Obviously it's because they want to show that they identify with their target audience - an endorsement says "they care about what I care about, and if you like me you'll care about them."

OK, not exactly like that, but pretty close.

So why can't local restaurants do this same thing, only with people who are not as well known? A HS football coach serves as a food runner for a fundraising night brings in around 100 players and their families. Plus, you get the benefit of showing you support what they support, so they should support you. How is this any different than getting a local DJ to say nice things about your food?

What about a local pastor handing out samples, or a local HS band playing out front for recognition of an award? The Chamber president serving as guest bartender for charity?

Being the Mayor of your village isn't about how pretty your ads are, it's about how well you know your community. Michael Phelps doesn't know diddly about Brunswick, GA or Ukiah, CA - but if that's where your restaurant is, you do.

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