
Social Media and Restaurant Marketing

So how are you using social media to market your restaurant? Seems like asking for advice on the matter is like asking 10 economists for their opinion on any subject: you get 12 different answers.

- Carefully plan out your branding message, or shoot from the hip?
- Engage customers and develop a relationship, or shotgun a message to drive trial?
- Social media will bring me hundreds of cusotmers, just because they can find me on their iPhones!
- My Facebook page has lots of pictures and my menu.

Maybe a social media strategy isn't the pinnacle of success. Maybe social media are simply one more way to increase your frequency of message. Maybe these tools are just one more channel through which to promote your marketing strategy.

There's a lot of advice out there, but most of it makes social media seem like just today's version of a radio commercial: it reaches a lot of people, but the clutter nullifies the message.

A social media strategy is important. But it's only one leg of an overall marketing strategy. After all, the goal isn't to create awareness. It's to create sales.

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