
Give to Get

Apparently it's catching on. In our little in-town neighborhood, restaurants giving to charities and organizations is pretty much par for the course. It's how things were when I was growing up (1970s), too.

But bigger and better were all the rage. "I'll just advertise and then BAM! I'll be printing money!"

OK, so it didn't work out so well, and the industry is headed for a shake-out, but there are some folks who are a) making a difference in their communities and b) reaping the rewards from the exposure they get from making a difference (novel concept, eh?).

Over the next few days we'll give a shout out to Rubio's, Dakota Blue, Grand Traverse, Six Feet Under, Boudin, and Applebee's.

It's what I've been sayin' for years (to anyone who would listen, really): when you care about the things that your community cares about, they'll care about you. Being a good neighbor is good business.

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