
Series: After Coups, Part 4

Promotional products help extend your presence.

So far we've talked about Branding (what it really is) and being the Mayor of Mayberry (a marketing mindset that builds relationships). Now we move to a tactic that has more mass appeal: Promotional products.

Promotional products are anything with your logo on it. The more useful the item is to your target audience the more in-demand the items will be, and the more visible they will be to others. Take t-shirts, for example. If your target audience includes high school students, a cool t-shirt with your image on it will be worn again and again - a walking advertisement for your product. Hats too, but spend the money to purchase ones that the kids will wear (if you're out of touch with style, ask your employees to help select one).

Once you have your items, distribute them in-store or at local events. Now that you're cutting back on coupons, hand out promotional items along with your samples.

Some examples:
- stress balls
- step-counters
- t-shirts / hats
- water bottles (or bottled water)
- Frisbees
- kids tattoos
- coffee mugs
- can cozies

The more relevant the item is to both your target audience and your product, the more successful you will be.

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