
6 things you CAN control

Enough about the economy, and things we can't control, let's focus on those things we can control.

1. Customer Experience. One in 10 Americans say they will have a bad experience that will make them never come back. People are something like 7 times more likely to spread negative word of mouth than positive word of mouth.

- Dependable, friendly customer service can help eliminate a 10% erosion of your customer base.

2. GREAT Customer Experience. Turn the negative into a positive. As diners become more discerning, they're more likely to visit places where their business is appreciated, where they KNOW they'll have a good meal and a good time.

- Walk the tables. Be overly friendly. Sample in the dining room. Make personal connections to your guests.

3. Lock Down Share of Wallet. People aren't eating out as often, but you have a chance to talk to them every time they visit you. Make sure to invite them back.

- Incentivize your customers to come back soon. Bounce-back with a one week expiration date, incentivize other dayparts.

4. Be Involved. Life goes on in your community, be involved in it. Have conversations with customers outside of your 4 walls about things that are important to them. Support them, they'll support you.

5. Advertise. There isn't as much chatter going on these days because most businesses have cut back on advertising. Your business will likely increase, or at lesat remain constant, with an increase in marketing activity. Set a base of consistent advertising.

6. Surround Your Customers. Augment your ads with the 7 Core Competencies. The increased frequency of message, when others aren't talking as much, keeps you top of mind.

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