
Encourage Word of Mouth Advertising

In my marketing training classes, I always ask the question: "What is the best form of advertising?" The answer, nearly always from class to class, is word of mouth.

So the next question is: "What types of things engender positive word of mouth?" Here we get everything from great customer service to making guests feel special to creative promotions and events.

Finally, I ask: "Why the disconnect?" If we know that positive word of mouth is the best form of marketing and advertising, and we know that giving an outstanding customer experience, having fun with guests and treating them special lead to positive word of mouth...why do we spend our marketing and advertising dollars on print and broadcast media?

What was the last radio commercial you heard? What is your favorite newspaper ad, one that you and your friends all agree is really effective as you're discussing it over a beer or two?

Multiple channels, iPods, CDs, DVDs, the Internet, Tivo, pay-per-view, Netflix, cell phones, and the good old fashioned radio dial all contribute to a consumer's ability to avoid your ad. Yet we continue to spend money on "awareness" advertising for our restaurants, instead of moving money from the advertising budget to the promotional budget for things like key chains, free beverages, free appetizers, etc.

In other words, the things that will create a bond and promote word of mouth.

Knowing what you want to accomplish is critical before spending money to promote your restaurant. Ask yourself how much word of mouth your newspaper ad will generate, then act accordingly.

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